Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Taking Time For What Matters

You, yes you! Put your cell phone down and take five minutes to read this.

Why is it that when we eat out we take pictures of our food before we even take the first bite? The answer is that we live in the year 2015, and we need to record and publish everything we do in our day. This takes away from actually enjoying the moment and stops us from becoming more mindful.

The idea of being mindful means being more present and conscious of your surroundings. Many are used to sacrificing this in order to achieve their goals when in fact, one becomes more productive by being mindful. Ultimately, mindfulness is the energy that helps us recognize what surrounds us in our present lives. We are currently living in a materialistic society in which we are constantly being blocked from living in the present moment.

In order to be connected with our mind, body and spirit it is important to practice these 5 exercises at least once a day:

First Exercise: Mindful Breathing
This exercise may seem simple, but has a powerful result. When you breathe, your mental disclosure stops and you bring all your attention to your in-breathe. You don' think of the past nor the future anymore, only the present. This simple step can take at least two seconds, and in return, it gives you time to be alive.

Second Exercise: Concentration
This exercise is during your breathe in exercise, and it allows you to follow it from beginning to end. This helps with you to become more aware.

Third Exercise: Awareness of Your Body
This is when you become aware of your body as you are breathing. Most of the time our body is there but our mind is elsewhere. Ultimately, your body benefits from this too.

Fourth Exercise: Releasing Tension
This next exercise is to release tension from the body. The goal is to eliminate the stress that has been accumulated in your body. Your posture is very important in this step. Consider sitting up straight in a comfortable surface.

Fifth Exercise: Walking Meditation
The same can be done by walking and enjoying your surroundings.

In addition to these exercises, here are 20 things you can do in your every day life. 

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